I have made a pact that I am going to go through some real old books, books that have their own place in literature- in fiction for most part.This also means that I would have to go through some pretty deep stuff.
I have picked up Catch-22, an American literary classic. It has been described as funny and explosive. I am sorry to say that the first 50 pages that I have just zipped through are anything but that. Despite this, I have a feeling I am going to love this book once I finish it. That would mean going through 448 pages, and right now, that seems like a daunting task considering the fact that I am as distracted as I get while studying!
I have always read one book at a time- non-academic of course. My catch-22 situation (not in the literal sense- the term originated from this book FYI) made me think- I have to read something else for my hour odd/day of casual reading alongside Catch-22 to avoid dropping it completely, at least till I find it riveting (which hopefully at some point I would). I just wanted to know if a lot of people do this. So I went to google, and to my surprise, a lot of people who love to read, read multiple novels at the same time, alongside their daily dose of academic/vocational/devotional reading, newspapers and what not. So I have decided to give it a shot! I do have 3-4 books lying around, that I really, really want to read. I am about to open one of them, which is not really completely unrelated to my field of education- Epidemiology. Given its genre of read, I doubt I would ever get through it in its 300 odd pages of totality in one go, on its own. This seems like a plan.
The blog post at 1:07 AM because I was sleepy at 11 PM; I did not turn the lights off and bury myself into my blanket; now can't sleep! It looks like this is going to be another long long night.......
Yeh that happens to me too, decide to sleep 'on time' and end up sleeping at 2am-ish, give or take an hour :P
Ya well, there is this book which I've read....it's about sleep. apparently you should avoid keeping television sets and monitors in your bedroom. The light combination creates a sort of hypnotic state in the brain, which potentially disturbs sleep. So, as soon as you feel a little sleepy....off goes the computer
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